May 1st, 2024: UPDATE: New Annuity Rates Released and IMPROVED.

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Who is behind AnnuityFacts?

Shop and Compare Annuity Rates from every company on a side-by-side spreadsheet. is a independent broker who’s company’s DNA captured in their slogan which is:

“We work for you, not the insurance company.”

Darrick Wilkins’s Founder

Our founding roots go back to 1995 when Drew Nichols at age 14 started a web-hosting business in his childhood bedroom, A few years later  in 1999, Darrick Wilkins began his career in the financial services industry.  Darrick and Drew are first cousins, so at a family reunion on The 4th of July in 2002, Darrick sought out Drew’s help with beginning to build his website. Darrick felt the internet could be a huge opportunity to help consumers around the country efficiently compare annuities with all the blue-chip insurance carriers without having to call multiple companies.

Most importantly, Darrick had a hunch that consumers not having to sit through some tired old-school sales pitch at their kitchen table might have legs. From that serendipitous first conversation and that simple concept,’s roots began to sprout.

Shortly there after Darrick’s cousin Drew Nichols merged his technology company with AnnuityFacts and help grow it to a team of the web’s most trusted and talented group of annuity advisers to help clients in all 50 States compare every annuity product on the market.

Darrick and Drew both were Economic Majors at The University of Georgia & Clemson University respectively.  That background gives them the skill set to accurately predict where the annuity market is headed before it gets there.  At we give you tomorrow’s annuity news, today.

That macroeconomic knowledge will help us put you in the very best annuity with the greatest chance of making you money.

How are we paid?

We are paid commission direct from the company you select and unlike some other investments who might back out fees from your principle so you are only investing 98% of your money, with us, on day one 100% of your money goes direct into your annuity to begin working for you. Additionally, unlike some advisers who may charge you a planning fee on top of the commission, we charge you zero planning fees because our efficient virtual process keeps our costs down. This simple method makes our business model work so we can work for you.

If you are ready to begin your research and compare all the annuities side-by-side, take action now by simply clicking below the link to fill in the one minute form.

Get the facts.

Get a free hand-curated list of insurance based on out 25+ years in the Annuity Market, ensuring you can sift through and select the best company for you.  Review the options effortlessly, all with the assurance that there’s no obligation or stress involved.

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